
Committee -- Elder(s) Oversight

Activities Committee -- Jim Hobbs, Rob Morrison
The Activities Committee organizes congregational activities and coordinates the fellowship needs and meals for funerals and special needs.
Larry Murphy, Brian Ridenhour and Joe Robinson - Deacons

Benevolence Committee -- Larry Kopfer
The purpose of the Benevolence committee is to coordinate individuals who have special talents that would be willing to use those talents to help our brethren and those in need.
Ray Wyrick, Pat Wankum and Tim Anderson - Deacons

Education Committee -- Jim Hobbs
The purpose of the Education Committee is to provide Bible based, Spiritual teaching and instruction at all age levels to edify and spiritually nurture the Church until our Lord returns.
Matt Hankins, Joe Robinson, Mark Parshal and Mike Smith - Deacons

Missions Committee -- Rob Morrison
The purpose of the Missions Committee is to assist the Church in spreading the gospel through local, regional and worldwide evangelism efforts.  The committee currently coordinates the Church’s support of missionaries, reviews new requests for support, and makes recommendations regarding continued or additional support as needed.

The committee also develops personal mission and evangelism opportunities for members of the congregation.   These opportunities will likely initially be focused and centered around the existing missionaries that the congregation currently supports. These efforts may be in the form of outreach trips by a mission team from the congregation that travels to the location of the missionary to provide whatever assistance is needed.  The assistance may also be in the form of work projects, bible studies, preaching, teaching classes, making contacts, etc.
Glenn Studebaker and Andy Wheeler - Deacons

Office / Library / Technology Committee -- Larry Kopfer
The purpose of the Office, Library and Technology committee is to provide administrative and technological support for the Lord’s work at Fairgrounds Road.
John Haynes, Larry Murphy, Curtis Pendleton, Brian Ridenhour and Andy Wheeler - Deacons

Personal Work Committee -- Brent Newton
The purpose of the Personal Work committee is to engage in strengthening, encouraging and expanding the Church through personal contact with church members and/or their families, and non-members who visit services and/or Church related activities.
Leroy Walling and Mike Smith - Deacons, Carey Terry - Minister

Physical Properties Committee -- Larry Kopfer
The purpose of the Physical Properties Committee is to ensure that the building and grounds are properly maintained so that we have a place to worship until the Lord returns.
Matt Backstom, Matt Beanland, Mike Smith and Leroy Walling - Deacons

Seniors Committee -- Larry Kopfer
The Seniors Committee coordinates activities and meets the needs of the Senior members at Fairgrounds Road.
Gary Colvin, Larry Murphy and Brian Ridenhour- Deacons

Transportation Committee -- Larry Kopfer
The Transportation Committee oversees the use of any Church vehicles and provides or coordinates pick-up service for Sunday morning Worship.
Pat Wankum - Deacon and Chris White - Chair

Worship Committee -- Jim Hobbs, Rob Morrison
The purpose of the Worship Committee is to serve and glorify God by organizing reverent worship to Him under the oversight of our Elders.
Terrill Newton, Curtis Pendleton, Brian Ridenhour and Ray Wyrick - Deacons

Youth Ministry Committee -- Matt Hankins
The purpose of the Youth Committee is to assist our youth (grades 6-12) in coming to know God (the Holy Spirit, the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ) in a deeper, fuller, more complete and comprehensive way.  We will use any means necessary to help achieve this spiritually minded goal; and to translate this mindset into expression in our lives in an ever-growing way from day to day until we see Him face to face, as eternity is unveiled.
Matt Hankins - Elder; Mark Parshall and Joe Robinson - Deacons; Caleb Hankins - Youth Minister

Revised (1-30-2025)