Contact Info
Church Office
Phone: 573.636.8446 or 573.636.2923
1316 Fairgrounds Road
Jefferson City MO 65109
From Highway 50, exit South onto South Country Club Drive. At first stop light past Highway 50 outer roads, continue South through onto Fairgrounds Road. Driving past several schools on the left, you will find us on the right side of the road (see images below for better understanding).
Street View:
Emergency Info Line
Dial 573.636.8446 or 573.636.2923, then press option 5 (after business hours only).
The information line is available before 9:00 a.m. daily and after 4:00 p.m. during week days. It is always available during the weekend. To access the line, simply dial 636-8446 and press 5 on the main menu. It will give you updates concerning items of interest, plus whether or not a worship service is cancelled due to snow or icy weather.
From the Heart (Brent's Personal Blog)