Ladies Day
Ladies Day is held annually in Jefferson City at 1316 Fairgrounds Road, Church of Christ. It gives ladies from here and from surrounding congregations a time to come together and enjoy fellowship, to come together and enjoy fellowship, song, and study from God's Word. It is a wonderful opportunity to encourage each other spiritually as sisters in Christ, and to grow together in the Lord.
The Annual Ladies' Day has been changed to April 26, 2025, one week earlier than previously announced. Planning meeting will be November 1 following worship services in the fellowship hall. If you would like to assist in the preparation for Ladies' Day, please plan to attend. Nicole Switzer and Melissa Stafford are serving as even coordinators. Please see them if you have questions.
Theme: "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven" - Ecclesiastes 3:1
Speakers will include Ali Robinson, Stephanie Newton and Pamela Oxley.
Date: April 20, 2024
Audio File Recordings (in order of presentation)
1. Ali Robinson - MP3 Audio File - 4.8 Mb - PDF Handout - 91 Kb
2. Pam Oxley - MP3 Audio File - 5.6 Mb - PDF Handout - 358 Kb
3. Stephanie Newton - MP3 Audio File - 3.1 Mb - PDF Handout - 203 Kb