Personal Work / Zones Committee


The purpose of the Personal Work / Zones committee is to engage in strengthening, encouraging and expanding the Church through personal contact with church members and/or their families, and non-members who visit services and/or Church related activities.


The committee coordinates the following activities:

  1. Personal visits by two member team
  2. Visits to visitors, new members
  3. Visits to sick and shut-ins
  4. Visits to the elderly

Visits need to be done fairly soon once someone is identified to be visited.

Contact Information:

As a need is identified please contact:

  1. Leroy Walling - Deacon, 896-4065
  2. Mike Smith, Deacon
  3. Carey Terry - Minister

Committee Members:

  1. Leroy Walling, Deacon, Co-Chair
  2. Mike Smith, Deacon
  3. Carey Terry, Minister, Co-Chair
  4. Henry Perry