Sunday Sermons
Links will take you to current sermons, past sermons, and sermons with related topics that have been purposely combined to form multi-part series. These messages from God's word are given for everyone's benefit and we encourage you to take time to listen. If you choose to download the sermons, instructions are available on each page. Please feel free to share with friends, family or strangers.
4 For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. 5 Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus; 6 that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:4-6)
Use this hyperlink to review the series collection of sermons on First John
February 9 - Carey Terry
Are We Spiritually Gullible? [MP4 YouTube Video}
Scripture: I John 4: 1-6
February 2 - Carey Terry
Love & False Guilt [MP4 YouTube Video}
Love & False Guilt [MP3 Audio File - 5.5 Mb]
Scripture: I John 3: 18-24
Use this hyperlink to review the series collection of sermons on Elders
January 26 - Brent Newton
Characteristics of Elders [MP4 YouTube Video}
Characteristics of Elders [MP3 Audio File - 7.4 Mb]
Scripture: I Timothy 3: 1-7
January 19 - Brent Newton
Elders: Relationship to the Lord/Church [MP4 YouTube Video}
Elders: Relationship to the Lord/Church [MP3 Audio File - 6.8 Mb]
Scripture: I Peter 5: 1-4
Use this hyperlink to review the series collection of sermons on First John
January 12 - Brent Newton
Fellowship with God: Moving from Death to Life [MP4 YouTube Video}
Fellowship with God: Moving from Death to Life [MP3 Audio File - 5.5 Mb]
Scripture: I John 3: 11-18
Pre-Recorded Worship Service due to inclement weather conditions
The Nature Of God [MP4 YouTube Video}
The Nature of God [MP3 Audioi File - 4.8 Mb]
Scripture: Matthew 18:21-35
Use the following to hold your communion service, unless you already have one prepared or can lead it for your group/family.
Communion [MP4 YouTube Video]
Communion [MP3 Audioi File - 4.8 Mb]
Speaker: Mark Parshall
Scripture: John 14: 6, 15: 1-11