Book of 1 Corinthians

2023-24 Series

June 2024 Sermons

June 23 - Carey Terry
    Do We Love the Lord? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Do We Love the Lord? [MP3 Audio File - 11.0 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 16: 13-24

June 16 - Carey Terry
    Paul's Heart: The Lord's Work [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Paul's Heart: The Lord's Work [MP3 Audio File - 5.2 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 16: 1-12

June 9 - Carey Terry
    Raised Imperishable [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Raised Imperishable [MP3 Audio File - 5.3 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 15: 50-58

June 2 - Brent Newton
    The Resurrection: What Kind of Body? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    The Resurrection: What Kind of Body? [MP3 Audio File - 5.7 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 15: 35-49

May 2024 Sermons

May 26 - Brent Newton
    Walking Toward The Resurrection [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Walking Toward The Resurrection [MP3 Audio File - 12.6 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 15: 20-34

May 19 - Brent Newton
    The Gospel is the Foundation [MP4 YouTube Video]
    The Gospel is the Foundation [MP3 Audio File - 12.6 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 15: 1-19

May 12 - Carey Terry
    When You Assemble [MP4 YouTube Video]
    When You Assemble [MP3 Audio File - 5.5 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 14: 20-40

May 5 - Carey Terry
    Pursue Love [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Pursue Love [MP3 Audio File - 12.0 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 14: 1-19

April 2024 Sermons

April 28 - Brent Newton
    A More Excellent Way [MP4 YouTube Video]
    A More Excellent Way [MP3 Audio File - 6.5 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 13: 1-13

April 21 - Carey Terry
    Many Members, Yet One Body [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Many Members, Yet One Body [MP3 Audio File - 5.7 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 12: 12-31

April 14 - Carey Terry
    Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts [MP3 Audio File - 9.9 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 12: 1-13

March 2024 Sermons

March 31 - Brent Newton
    Do We Despise the Death of Jesus? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Do We Despise the Death of Jesus? [MP3 Audio File - 11.1 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 11: 17-34

March 24 - Carey Terry
    God is Head of Christ [MP4 YouTube Video]
    God is Head of Christ [MP3 Audio File - 6.8 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 11: 1-16

March 17 - Carey Terry
    All to the Glory of God [MP4 YouTube Video]
    All to the Glory of God [MP3 Audio File - 5.8 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 10: 23-33

March 10 - Carey Terry
    Sharing in Christ or Demons? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Sharing In Christ or Demons? [MP3 Audio File - 6.0 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 10: 14-22

March 3 - Brent Newton
    A Lesson from Israel [MP4 YouTube Video]
    A Lesson from Israel [MP3 Audio File - 10.8 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 10: 1-13

February 2024 Sermons

February 25 - Brent Newton
    Our Lives Must Have A Purpose [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Our Lives Must Have A Purpose [MP3 Audio File - 10.8 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 9: 19-27

February 18 - Carey Terry
    The Right to Sacrifice Self [MP4 YouTube Video]
    The Right to Sacrifie Self [MP3 Audio File - 5.2 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 9: 1-18

February 11 - Carey Terry
    Known by God [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Known by God [MP3 Audio File - 5.6 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 8: 1-13

February 4 - Brent Newton
    Remaining with God [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Remaining with God [MP3 Audio File - 4.7 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 7:25-40

January 2024 Sermons

January 28 - Rob Morrison
    Our Relationship with Jesus Christ [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Our Relationship with Jesus Christ [MP3 Audio File - 8.3 Mb]
    Scripture: Romans 5: 1-11

January 21 - Brent Newton
    God's Design in Marriage [MP4 YouTube Video]
    God's Design in Marriage [MP3 Audio File - 12.9 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 7:10-24

January 14 - Brent Newton
    Things That You Wrote [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Things That You Wrote [MP3 Audio File - 12.9 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 7:1-9

January 7 - Carey Terry
    RUN!!! [MP4 YouTube Video]
    RUN!!! [MP3 Audio File - 11.2Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 6:12-20

December 2023 Sermons

December 31 - Carey Terry
    Long Live the King [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Long Live the King [MP3 Audio File - 9.3Mb]
    Scripture: I Timothy 6: 12-16

December 24 - Carey Terry
    The Best Gift: Eternal Life [MP4 YouTube Video]
    The Best Gift: Eternal Life [MP3 Audio File - 10.9Mb]
    Scripture: Romans 6: 20-23

December 17 - Brent Newton
    Destroying the Church through Lawsuits [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Destroying the Church through Lawsuits [MP3 Audio File - 9.3Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 6: 1-11

December 10 - Steven Ashcraft
    The Lord's Work in West Africa [MP4 YouTube Video]
    The Lord's Work in West Africa [MP3 Audio File - 9.7Mb]
    Scripture: TBD

December 3 - Brent Newton
    Keeping the Church from Sin [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Keeping the Church from Sin [MP3 Audio File - 11.7Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 5: 1-13

November 2023 Sermons

November 26 - Brent Newton
    Don't Let Opportunities Pass [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Don't Let Opportunities Pass [MP3 Audio File - 9.7Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 4: 14-21

November 19 - Carey Terry
    Spiritually Blind Saints [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Spiritually Blind Saints [MP3 Audio File - 11.0Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 4: 6-13

November 12 - Carey Terry
    Will God Praise You? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Will God Praise You? [MP3 Audio File - 10.5Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 4: 1-5

November 5 - Brent Newton
    Do Not Deceive Yourselves [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Do Not Deceive Yourselves [MP3 Audio File - 9.1Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 3: 18-23

October 2023

October 29 - Brent Newton
    Do We Not Know? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Do We Not Know [MP3 Audio File - 10.3Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 3: 16-17

October 22 - Carey Terry
    Be Careful How You Build [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Be Careful How You Build [MP3 Audio File - 9.8Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 3: 10-15

October 15 - Carey Terry
    Walking Like Mere Men? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Walking Like Mere Men? [MP3 Audio File - 9.4 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 3: 1-9

October 8 - Brent Newton
    What's You Source of Wisdom [MP4 YouTube Video]
    What's Your Source of Wisdom [MP3 Audio File - 9.3 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 2: 6-16

October 1 - Carey Terry
    Don't Misplace Your Faith [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Don't Misplace Your Faith [MP3 Audio File - 10.9 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 2: 1-5

September 2023

September 24 - Carey Terry
    God Has Chosen! [MP4 YouTube Video]
    God Has Chosen! [MP3 Audio File - 9.2 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 26-31

September 17 - Carey Terry
    The Wisdom of the Cross [MP4 YouTube Video]
    The Wisdom of the Cross [MP3 Audio File - 8.9 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 18-25

September 10 - Brent Newton
    Contributing to Unity or Division? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Contributing to Unity or Division? [MP3 Audio File - 9.5 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 10-17

September 3 - Brent Newton
    Who are We? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Who are We? [MP3 Audio File - 9.7 Mb]
    Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 1-9

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