2011 Sermons

December 2011 Sermons

December 25 - Brent Newton
    Why Do You Assembe to Worship? [MP3] 14.3 Mb
    Scripture: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

December 25 - Brent Newton
    Two Different Plans [MP3] 13.3 Mb
    Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10

December 18 - Brent Newton
    Yearning for Heaven [MP3] 15.9 Mb
    Scripture: II Thessalonians 1:7-9

December 18 - Brent Newton
    Condemend Religous People [MP3] 12.1 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 2:17-29

December 11 - Brent Newton
    God's Righteous Judgement [MP3] 12.1 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 2:1-11

December 4 - Brent Newton
    God vs. Man [MP3] 13.8 Mb
    Scripture: Psalm 78:17-33

November 2011 Sermons

November 27 - Carey Terry
    Grace Abused - Sinning Willfully [MP3] 15.0 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 1:16-17

November 27 - Carey Terry
    A Change of Plans [MP3] 12.6 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 10:26-29

November 20 - Brent Newton
    Man is Without Excuse [MP3] 13.5 Mb
    Scripture: I Corninthians 10:1-13

November 20 - Brent Newton
    Don't Be Disqualified [MP3] 13.1 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 1:18-32

November 13 - Brent Newton
    The Importance of Honesty [MP3] 12.6 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 12:1-8

November 13 - Brent Newton
    The Gospel [MP3] 12.5 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 1:16-17

November 6 - Brent Newton
    Selling Out Your Soul [MP3] 14.9 Mb
    Scripture: Zechariah 11:12-13

November 6 - Brent Newton
    A Life of Purpose [MP3] 13.0 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 1:1-7

October 2011 Sermons

October 30 - Brent Newton
    Perfected by the Flesh or Spirit [MP3] 15.8 Mb
    Scripture: John 3:4-6

October 23 - Carey Terry
    What If We Cause Ourselves To Stumble [MP3] 15.2 Mb
    Scripture: Mark 9:42-50

October 23 - Carey Terry
    Forgive Me - Forgive Me Not [MP3] 16.4 Mb
    Scripture: James 4:5-10

October 15 - Brent Newton
    Jesus Speaks to Worry and Anxiety [MP3] 12.2 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 7:7-8

October 15 - Brent Newton
    God is Aware [MP3] 12.5 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 12:22-31

October 9 - Carey Terry
    Why Should We Obey? [MP3] 13.7 Mb
    Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4

October 9 - Carey Terry
    The Savior's Prayer [MP3] 13.3 Mb
    Scripture: John 17:1-5

October 2 - Brent Newton
    Sharing in Jesus [MP3] 12.1 Mb
    Scripture: II Timothy 4:1-4

October 2 - Brent Newton
    Preach the Word - Your Soul is at Stake [MP3] 14.6 Mb
    Scripture: I Peter 4:12-19

September 2011 Sermons

September 25 - Carey Terry
    When the Helper Comes [MP3] 16.6 Mb
    Scripture: John 15:26-27

September 25 - Brent Newton
    Going Beyone the Norm [MP3] 16.6 Mb
    Scripture: Mattrhew 5:20-26

September 18 - Carey Terry
    Jesus and Feeding the Poor [MP3] 18.5 Mb
    Scripture: Mark 6:33-44

September 11 - Brent Newton
    Enlarging Our Faith [MP3] 17.6 Mb
    Scripture: I John 5:4

September 4 - Carey Terry
    Living Stone [MP3] 16.5 Mb
    Scripture: I Peter 2:1-8

September 4 - Carey Terry
    Jesus is Lord [MP3] 15.5 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 8:22-25

August 2011 Sermons

August 28 - Carey Terry
    Who Among You is Wise? [MP3] 12.5 Mb
    Scripture: James 3:13-18

August 28 - Carey Terry
    Jesus Responds to the Faithful [MP3] 15.3 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 4:16-21

August 21 - Brent Newton
    Ruth - Part 4 [MP3] 11.9 Mb
    Scripture: Ruth 4

August 21 - Brent Newton
    Is Your Service to the Lord Pleasing? [MP3] 12.5 Mb
    Scripture: Philippians 4:10-20

August 14 - Brent Newton
    Ruth - Part 3 [MP3] 14.9 Mb
    Scripture: Ruth 3

August 14 - Brent Newton
    Relationship of the Church to the Elders [MP3] 17.5 Mb
    Scripture: I Peter 5:1-4

August 7 - Brent Newton
    Ruth - Part 2 [MP3] 14.6 Mb
    Scripture: Ruth 2

August 7 - Brent Newton
    God's Power in Earthen Vessels [MP3] 17.2 Mb
    Scripture: II Corinthians 4:7-12

July 2011 Sermons

July 31 - Brent Newton
    Children of God vs. Children of the Devil [MP3] 13.8 Mb
    Scripture: I Peter 3:8-12

July 24 - Brent Newton
    When God Brings Difficulties [MP3] 15.2 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 12:4-13

July 17 - Brent Newton
    Ruth - Part 1 [MP3] 14.1 Mb
    Scripture: Ruth 1

July 17 - Brent Newton
    Dealing Properly with Difficulties [MP3] 16.6 Mb
    Scripture: James 1:1-4

July 10 - Carey Terry
    Who Do We Really Hear? [MP3] 16.1 Mb
    Scripture: Colossians 2:8

July 10 - Brent Newton
    Embracing God's Will [MP3] 12.6 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 7:1-10

July 3 - Carey Terry
    Guilt [MP3] 14.2 Mb
    Scripture: Psalm 32:3-7

July 3 - Carey Terry
    Compassion [MP3] 15.6 Mb
    Scripture: Psalm 103:8-14

June 2011 Sermons

June 26 - Carey Terry
    Seedless Fruit [MP3] 12.9 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 13:1-9

June 26 - Carey Terry
    Peace or Bitterness [MP3] 15.4 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 12:14-17

June 19 - Brent Newton
    It's All Rubbish [MP3] 16.4 Mb
    Scripture: Philippians 3:1-11

June 19 - Brent Newton
    It Might Be Lawful [MP3] 13.6 Mb
    Scripture: I Corinthians 10:23-24

June 12 - Brent Newton
    Where Arrogance Leads [MP3] 15.0 Mb
    Scripture: I Corinthians 5

June 12 - Brent Newton
    Philemon [MP3] 15.0 Mb
    Scripture: Philemon

June 5 - Brent Newton
    Who Is of God [MP3] 13.7 Mb
    Scripture: III John

June 5 - Brent Newton
    Thankful Heart [MP3] 14.0 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 15:32-38

May 2011 Sermons

May 29 - Brent Newton
    Let the Lord be the Lord [MP3] 16.4 Mb
    Scripture: I Corinthians 16:5-11

May 22 - Carey Terry
    Love Your Neighbor [MP3] 15.7 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 15:1-10

May 22 - Carey Terry
    Love the Lord... [MP3] 15.2 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 10:25-28

May 15 - Brent Newton
    When God Feels the Loss [MP3] 12.6 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 15:1-10

May 15 - Brent Newton
    Little Things Matter [MP3] 17.7 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 16:10

May 8 - Brent Newton
    Vessel of Honor or Dishonor? [MP3] 14.2 Mb
    Scripture: II Timothy 2:19-22

May 8 - Brent Newton
    The Inspired Word [MP3] 15.9 Mb
    Scripture: II Timothy 3:14-17

May 1 - Brent Newton
    Times of Refreshing [MP3] 16.7 Mb
    Scripture: Acts 3:17-19

May 1 - Brent Newton
    Simple Truth [MP3] 17.1 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 7:13-27

April 2011 Sermons

April 24 - Brent Newton
    The Anchor of the Soul [MP3] 13.3 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 6:19-20

April 24 - Carey Terry
    Knit Together in Love [MP3] 16.3 Mb
    Scripture: Colossians 2:1-7

April 17 - Carey Terry
    The Wisdom of God in Creation [MP3] 16.0 Mb
    Scripture: Genesis 1:14-23

April 17 - Carey Terry
    God is Ready, But the Faithless Are Not [MP3] 15.1 Mb
    Scripture: Joshua 2:8-11

April 10 - Carey Terry
    You Could Have Been More [MP3] 13.4 Mb
    Scripture: II Samuel 12:7-9

April 10 - Brent Newton
    Can We Blaspheme the Holy Spirit? [MP3] 17.5 Mb
    Scripture: Marke 3:28-30

April 3 - Carey Terry
    The Suffering of Christ (Before the Cross) [MP3] 11.8 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 5:7

April 3 - Carey Terry
    Not Delivered As We Hoped [MP3] 14.6 Mb
    Scripture: Daniel 3:16-18

March 2011 Sermons

March 27 - Brent Newton
    What It Means to be in Christ [MP3] 18.3 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 3:23-24

March 27 - Brent Newton
    Defining Man [MP3] 16.2 Mb
    Scripture: Psalm 90

March 20 - Brent Newton
    Only Two Paths [MP3] 15.2 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 7:13-14

March 20 - Brent Newton
    God's Expectation of Women [MP3] 16.6 Mb
    Scripture: Titus 2:3-5

March 13 - Brent Newton
    God's Expectation of Men [MP3] 14.3 Mb
    Scripture: Titus 2:1-2

March 13 - Brent Newton
    God and Homosexuality [MP3] 17.1 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 1:26-27

March 6 - Carey Terry
    United with Jesus' Death [MP3] 13.2 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 6:3-7

March 6 - Brent Newton
    Dealing with Tempation [MP3] 16.7 Mb
    Scripture: James 1:13-16

February 2011 Sermons

February 27 - Brent Newton
    Are We Devoted to the Lord? [MP3] 15.4 Mb
    Scripture: Isaiah 57:11-21

February 27 - Carey Terry
    Anger - Part 2 [MP3] 13.4 Mb
    Scripture: Proverbs 19:19

February 20 - Brent Newton
    We Saw His Glory [MP3] 17.6 Mb
    Scripture: John 1:14-15

February 20 - Brent Newton
    Walking in a Worthy Manner - Part 2 [MP3] 14.7 Mb
    Scripture: I Corinthians 11:27-32

February 13 - Brent Newton
    Walkning in a Worthy Manner - Part 1 [MP3] 13.9 Mb
    Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-3

February 13 - Carey Terry
    Anger - Part 1 [MP3] 16.9 Mb
    Scripture: James 1:19

February 6 - Brent Newton
    Lessons of Life [MP3] 17.4 Mb
    Scripture: Proverbs 14-15

February 6 - Brent Newton
    Jesus and Forgiveness [MP3] 14.4 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 5:17-26

January 2011 Sermons

January 30 - Brent Newton
    Working Out Our Salvation [MP3] 13.9 Mb
    Scripture: Philippians 2:12-16

January 23 - Brent Newton
    Being Blamelss Before God [MP3] 15.7 Mb
    Scripture: Colossians 1:21-22

January 16 - Carey Terry
    We Have Fellowship with One Another [MP3] 16.9 Mb
    Scripture: I John 1:5-7

January 16 - Brent Newton
    God's Grace at Work [MP3] 17.5 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 5:1-2

January 9 - Brent Newton
    Who Directed God? [MP3] 17.0 Mb
    Scripture: Isaiah 40:12-17

January 9 - Brent Newton
    The Way of God [MP3] 16.3 Mb
    Scripture: II Thessalonians 2:9-12

January 2 - Carey Terry
    Image and Likeness [MP3] 16.0 Mb
    Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27

January 2 - Brent Newton
    Greater Understanding of God - Part 2 [MP3] 15.6 Mb
    Scripture: Ephesians 1:15-23

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