2018 Sermons

December 2018 Sermons

December 30 PM - Brent Newton
    The Appearing of God's Grace [MP3] 5.8 Mb
    Scripture: Titus 2:11-14

December 30 AM - Carey Terry
    The Patience of Jesus [MP3] 4.8 Mb
    Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23

December 23 PM - Brent Newton
    Difficulties in the Church - Part 2 [MP3] 4.9 Mb
    Scripture: II Timothy 3:1-5

December 23 AM - Brent Newton
    Difficulties in the Church - Part 1 [MP3] 5.6 Mb
    Scripture: II Timothy 3:1-5

December 16 PM - Carey Terry
    Continuing in Salvation [MP3] 4.7 Mb
    Scripture: I Peter 1:13-16

December 16 AM - Carey Terry
    The Peace of Jesus [MP3] 4.2 Mb
    Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23

December 9 PM - Carey Terry
    The Shepherd & His Sheep [MP3] 4.5 Mb
    Scripture: John 10:1-6

December 9 AM - Carey Terry
    The Joy of Jesus [MP3] 4.5 Mb
    Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23

December 2 PM - Carey Terry
    Faith in the Midst of Darkness [MP3] 5.3 Mb
    Scripture: Mark 12:41-44

December 2 AM - Carey Terry
    The Spiritual Love of Jesus [MP3] 5.4 Mb
    Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23

November 2018 Sermons

November 25 PM - Brent Newton
    Man & the Image of God - Part 2 [MP3] 5.9 Mb
    Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27

November 25 AM - Brent Newton
    Man & the Image of God - Part 1 [MP3] 5.8 Mb
    Scripture: I John 3:10

November 18 PM - Carey Terry
    Who is Jesus? [MP3] 4.9 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-4

November 18 AM - Carey Terry
    The Mind Set on the Flesh [MP3] 4.5 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 8:5-8

November 11 PM - Carey Terry
    Keep Seeking the Things Above [MP3] 4.9 Mb
    Scripture: Colossians 3:1-2

November 11 AM - Carey Terry
    The Strength of Jesus [MP3] 5.5 Mb
    Scripture: Mark 5:1-7

November 4 PM - Brent Newton
    Jesus: Our Answer to Life [MP3] 5.7 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-18

November 4 AM - Carey Terry
    Marriage & Divorce [MP3] 6.1 Mb
    Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:10-16

October 2018 Sermons

October 28 PM - Carey Terry
    Ears to Hear [MP3] 4.8 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 11:14-15

October 28 AM - Carey Terry
    Overseers: Outsiders & Preachers [MP3] 4.7 Mb [Fourth lesson of a series on Elder Selection]
    Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1-4

October 21 AM - Carey Terry
    How an Overseer Manages His Home [MP3] 5.0 Mb [Third lesson of a series on Elder Selection]
    Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:2-5

October 14 PM - Carey Terry
    Speaking in Tongues [MP3] 4.0 Mb
    Scripture: I Corinthians 13:8-11

October 14 AM - Carey Terry
    Serve & Be Served [MP3] 4.4 Mb
    Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:14-18

October 7 PM - Carey Terry
    Wisdom Shouts [MP3] 4.5 Mb
    Scripture: Proverbs 1:20-22

October 7 AM - Carey Terry
    The Character of an Overseer [MP3] 5.0 Mb [Second lesson of a series on Elder Selection]
    Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:2-6

September 2018 Sermons

September 30 PM - Brent Newton
    A Great Day Coming [MP3] 4.7 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 8:18-25

September 30 AM - Carey Terry
    Aspires & Desires [MP3] 4.4 Mb [First lesson of a series on Elder Selection]
    Scripture: I Timothy 3:1

September 23 PM - Carey Terry
    Does God Know Me? [MP3] 4.3 Mb
    Scripture: Psalm 139:1-6

September 23 AM - Carey Terry
    Gethsemane [MP3] 4.5 Mb
    Scripture: Mark 14:32-36

September 16 PM - Carey Terry
    Rescuing the Righteous [MP3] 5.5 Mb
    Scripture: II Peter 2:9-11

September 16 AM - Carey Terry
    The Discipline of the Lord [MP3] 4.8 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 12:6-11

September 9 PM - Brent Newton
    Pursuing the Truth [MP3] 5.7 Mb
    Scripture: II Thessalonians 2:9-12

September 9 AM - Carey Terry
    For the Love of Money [MP3] 5.3 Mb
    Scripture: I Timothy 6:8-10

September 2 PM - Carey Terry
    The Story of Marriage [MP3] 5.5 Mb
    Scripture: Genesis 2;22-25

September 2 AM - Carey Terry
    The Stewardship of God's Grace [MP3] 4.9 Mb
    Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-3

August 2018 Sermons

August 26 PM - Carey Terry
    How Do We Change? [MP3] 5.0 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 12:1-3

August 26 AM - Carey Terry
    Walk/Led By The Spirit [MP3] 4.1 Mb
    Scripture: Galatians 5:13-18

August 19 PM - Carey Terry
    Will We Ever Be Satisfied? [MP3] 4.6 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 5:6

August 19 AM - Brent Newton
    Serious Consequences of the Unprotected Home [MP3] 5.9 Mb
    Scripture: Colossians 3:18-21

August 12 PM - Carey Terry
    The Spirit of Coveting [MP3] 4.6 Mb
    Scripture: Ephesians 5:5-7

August 12 AM - Carey Terry
    Excuses Excuses [MP3] 4.1 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 14:15-24

August 5 PM - Brent Newton
    Two Major Signs of Drifting [MP3] 5.5 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 2:1-3

August 5 AM - Carey Terry
    True Love [MP3] 6.8 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 5:6-11

July 2018 Sermons

July 29 PM - Brent Newton
    What Does the Lord Expect From Us? [MP3] 4.8 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 19:27-29

July 29 AM - Brent Newton
    Value of Blameless, Upright and God Fearing [MP3] 6.9 Mb
    Scripture: Job 1:1

July 22 PM - Carey Terry
    Faith or Anxiety [MP3] 6.4 Mb
    Scripture: Philippians 4:4-7

July 22 AM - Carey Terry
    Continual Devotion: Prayer [MP3] 5.9 Mb
    Scripture: Acts 2:41-42

July 15 PM - Carey Terry
    Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ [MP3] 5.2 Mb
    Scripture: Ephesians 1:1-8

July 15 AM - Carey Terry
    Continual Devotion: Breaking of (the) Bread [MP3] 7.1 Mb
    Scripture: Acts 2:41-42

July 8 PM - Carey Terry
    Home Sick [MP3] 5.1 Mb
    Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

July 8 AM - Carey Terry
    Continual Devotion: Fellowship [MP3] 5.7 Mb
    Scripture: Acts 2:41-42

July 1 PM - Carey Terry
    In the Grips of Sin [MP3] 6.2 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 7:14-17

July 1 AM - Carey Terry
    Continual Devotion: The Apostle's Teaching [MP3] 6.1 Mb
    Scripture: Acts 2:41-42

June 2018 Sermons

June 24 PM - Carey Terry
    Those Who Fear Him [MP3] 5.1 Mb
    Scripture: Psalm 103:11-18

June 24 AM - Carey Terry
    The Created Clean Heart [MP3] 4.9 Mb
    Scripture: Psalm 51:10-13

June 17 PM - Carey Terry
    For Us or For Our Enemies? [MP3] 4.7 Mb
    Scripture: Joshua 5:13-15

June 17 AM - Carey Terry
    The Greatest Father [MP3] 5.0 Mb
    Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:1-5

June 10 PM - Carey Terry
    Weather's Purpose [MP3] 5.5 Mb
    Scripture: Job 37:9-13

June 10 AM - Carey Terry
    The Heart of Worship [MP3] 6.3 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 15:7-14

June 3 PM - Carey Terry
    Tempted by Evil or Good? [MP3] 4.8 Mb
    Scripture: James 1:13-16

June 3 AM - Carey Terry
    Do You Love Me More than These? [MP3] 5.3 Mb
    Scripture: John 21:15-17

May 2018 Sermons

May 27 PM - Brent Newton
    Elders / Church Relationship [MP3] 6.8 Mb
    Scripture:I Peter 5:1-4

May 27 AM - Brent Newton
    A Message from Jesus: Laodicea [MP3] 5.9 Mb
    Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22

May 20 PM - Brent Newton
    How Does the Spirit Lead Us? [MP3] 6.2 Mb
    Scripture:Romans 8:14

May 20 AM - Brent Newton
    A Message from Jesus: Philadelphia [MP3] 5.6 Mb
    Scripture: Revelation 3:7-13

May 13 PM - Carey Terry
    The Yoke of Faith [MP3] 6.2 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 1:16-17

May 13 AM - Carey Terry
    How to Forgive [MP3] 5.1 Mb
    Scripture:Matthew 6:12-15

May 6 PM - Brent Newton
    The Means & Message God Uses to Save [MP3] 7.1 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-2

May 6 AM - Brent Newton
    A Message from Jesus: Sardis [MP3] 5.9 Mb
    Scripture:Revelation 3:1-6

April 2018 Sermons

April 29 PM - Carey Terry
    Faithful to the End [MP3] 4.3 Mb
    Scripture: I Chronicles 14:1-6

April 29 AM - Brent Newton
    A Message from Jesus: Thyatira [MP3] 5.5 Mb
    Scripture:Revelation 2:18-29

April 22 PM - Jim Terry
    Out of the Depths [MP3] 5.2 Mb
    Scripture: Psalm 40:1-3

April 22 AM - Brent Newton
    A Message from Jesus: Pergamum [MP3] 6.0 Mb
    Scripture:Revelation 2:12-17

April 15 PM - Carey Terry
    A Sanctification Story [MP3] 6.7 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 6:20-23

April 15 AM - Carey Terry
    The Decisions of Faith [MP3] 6.2 Mb
    Scripture:Romans 4:16-22

April 8 PM - Brent Newton
    The Importance of Truth [MP3] 6.9 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 7:13-27

April 8 AM - Brent Newton
    A Message from Jesus: Smyrna [MP3] 6.1 Mb
    Scripture:Revelation 2:8-11

April 1 PM - Brent Newton
    The Effect of Arrogance [MP3] 6.1 Mb
    Scripture: I Corinthians 5

April 1 AM - Brent Newton
    A Message from Jesus: Ephesus [MP3] 5.0 Mb
    Scripture:Revelation 2:1-7

March 2018 Sermons

March 25 AM - Carey Terry
    Only the Lonely [MP3] 5.3 Mb
    Scripture:Mark 1:40-42

March 25 PM - Carey Terry
    Jesus & Temptation [MP3] 6.1 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 4:1-15

March 18 AM - Carey Terry
    Remember [MP3] 5.0 Mb
    Scripture:Mark 8:14-21

March 18 PM - Carey Terry
    Will Everyone Ever Agree? [MP3] 4.8 Mb
    Scripture: Philippians 2:8-11

March 11 AM - Brent Newton
    The Power of God's Grace [MP3] 6.6 Mb
    Scripture:II Corinthians 8:1-9

March 11 PM - Brent Newton
    How I Have Been Hurt [MP3] 5.6 Mb
    Scripture: Ezekiel 6:8-10

March 4 AM - Brent Newton
    Do Nothing from Selfishness & Empty Conceit [MP3] 5.1 Mb
    Scripture: Philippians 2:3-4

March 4 PM - Carey Terry
    Do Kids Ask Questions? [MP3] 5.4 Mb
    Scripture: Exodus 12:23-28

February 2018 Sermons

February 25 AM - Carey Terry
    Lives Changed by Grace [MP3] 6.2 Mb
    Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-10

February 25 PM - Carey Terry
    Eternal Life or God's Wrath [MP3] 5.7 Mb
    Scripture: Romans 1:18-19

February 18 PM - Brent Newton
    The Result of Living Christ [MP3] 4.8 Mb
    Scripture: Philippians 1:27-30

February 18 PM - Brent Newton
    A Faith that Saves [MP3] 4.8 Mb
    Scripture: Luke 7:1-10

February 11 PM - Brent Newton
    Dealing with the Lost (Part 2) [MP3] 5.8 Mb
    Scripture: II Timothy 3:6-9

February 4 AM - Brent Newton
    Dealing with the Lost (Part 1) [MP3] 5.2 Mb
    Scripture: John 8:27-34

January 2018 Sermons

January 28 AM - Brent Newton
    Difficulties Have a Purpose [MP3] 5.2 Mb
    Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:1-10

January 28 AM - Brent Newton
    Reverence for God's Word [MP3] 4.2 Mb
    Scripture: Matthew 13:53-58

January 21 AM - Brent Newton
    Do You Not Understand Scripture [MP3] 6.7 Mb
    Scripture: Mark 12:18-27

January 21 AM - Brent Newton
    We Proclaim Him [MP3] 4.0 Mb
    Scripture: Colossians 1:28-29

January 14 AM - Brent Newton
    God's Looking for Two Things [MP3] 5.5 Mb
    Scripture: Hebrews 11:8-10

January 7 PM - Brent Newton
    God's Wisdon [MP3] 4.5 Mb
    Scripture: Proverbs 1:1-6

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