2023 Sermons
December 31 - Carey Terry
Long Live the King [MP4 YouTube Video]
Long Live the King [MP3 Audio File - 9.3Mb]
Scripture: I Timothy 6: 12-16
December 24 - Carey Terry
The Best Gift: Eternal Life [MP4 YouTube Video]
The Best Gift: Eternal Life [MP3 Audio File - 10.9Mb]
Scripture: Romans 6: 20-23
December 17 - Brent Newton
Destroying the Church through Lawsuits [MP4 YouTube Video]
Destroying the Church through Lawsuits [MP3 Audio File - 9.3Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 6: 1-11
December 10 - Steven Ashcraft
The Lord's Work in West Africa [MP4 YouTube Video]
The Lord's Work in West Africa [MP3 Audio File - 9.7Mb]
Scripture: TBD
December 3 - Brent Newton
Keeping the Church from Sin [MP4 YouTube Video]
Keeping the Church from Sin [MP3 Audio File - 11.7Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 5: 1-13
Use this hyperlink to review the series collection of sermons on First Corinthians
November 26 - Brent Newton
Don't Let Opportunities Pass [MP4 YouTube Video]
Don't Let Opportunities Pass [MP3 Audio File - 9.7Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 4: 14-21
November 19 - Carey Terry
Spiritually Blind Saints [MP4 YouTube Video]
Spiritually Blind Saints [MP3 Audio File - 11.0Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 4: 6-13
November 12 - Carey Terry
Will God Praise You? [MP4 YouTube Video]
Will God Praise You? [MP3 Audio File - 10.5Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 4: 1-5
November 5 - Brent Newton
Do Not Deceive Yourselves [MP4 YouTube Video]
Do Not Deceive Yourselves [MP3 Audio File - 9.1Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 3: 18-23
Use this hyperlink to review the series collection of sermons on First Corinthians
October 29 - Brent Newton
Do We Not Know? [MP4 YouTube Video]
Do We Not Know [MP3 Audio File - 10.3Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 3: 16-17
October 22 - Carey Terry
Be Careful How You Build [MP4 YouTube Video]
Be Careful How You Build [MP3 Audio File - 9.8Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 3: 10-15
October 15 - Carey Terry
Walking Like Mere Men? [MP4 YouTube Video]
Walking Like Mere Men? [MP3 Audio File - 9.4 Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 3: 1-9
October 8 - Brent Newton
What's You Source of Wisdom [MP4 YouTube Video]
What's You Source of Wisdom [MP3 Audio File - 9.8 Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 2: 6-16
October 1 - Carey Terry
Don't Misplace Your Faith [MP4 YouTube Video]
Don't Misplace Your Faith [MP3 Audio File - 10.9 Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 2: 1-5
Use this hyperlink to review the series collection of sermons on First Corinthians
September 24 - Carey Terry
God Has Chosen! [MP4 YouTube Video]
God Has Chosen! [MP3 Audio File - 9.2 Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 26-31
September 17 - Carey Terry
The Wisdom of the Cross [MP4 YouTube Video]
The Wisdom of the Cross [MP3 Audio File - 8.9 Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 18-25
September 10 - Brent Newton
Contributing to Unity or Division? [MP4 YouTube Video]
Contributing to Unity or Division? [MP3 Audio File - 9.5 Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 10-17
September 3 - Brent Newton
Who are We? [MP4 YouTube Video]
Who are We? [MP3 Audio File - 9.7 Mb]
Scripture: I Corinthians 1: 1-9
Use this hyperlink to review the series collection of sermons on First Corinthians
August 27 - Carey Terry
Reaching for the Near Impossible [MP4 YouTube Video]
Reaching for the Near Impossible [MP3 Audio File - 9.1 Mb]
Scripture: Ephesians 4: 1-3
August 20 - Carey Terry
Do You Have A Calling? [MP4 YouTube Video]
Do You Have A Calling? [MP3 Audio File - 8.7 Mb]
Scripture: I Peter 1: 13-16
August 13 - Brent Newton
What Are You Sowing? [MP4 YouTube Video]
What Are You Sowing? [MP3 Audio File - 6.1 Mb]
Scripture: Galatians 6: 7-8
August 6 - Brent Newton
How Much Does Truth Matter? [MP4 YouTube Video]
How Much does Truth Matter? [MP3 Audio File - 10.0 Mb]
Scripture: Romans 10: 1-3
During May through July, Carey and Brent will be preaching sermons from James with the following theme: Godly Principles / Learning to live the Spiritual Mindset. The series is available as a collection at Sermon Series: James.
July 30 - Carey Terry
James: One Concluding Thought [MP4 YouTube Video]
James: One Concluding Thought [MP3 Audio File - 9.9 Mb]
Scripture: James 5: 19-20
July 23 - Brent Newton
Abundant Help [MP4 YouTube Video]
Abundant Help [MP3 Audio File - 9.1 Mb]
Scripture: James 5: 13-18
July 16 - Brent Newton
A True Faith in the Lord [MP4 YouTube Video]
A True Faith in the Lord [MP3 Audio File - 10.7 Mb]
Scripture: James 5: 1-12
July 9 - Carey Terry
Able to Save and to Destroy [MP4 YouTube Video]
Able to Save and to Destroy [MP3 Audio File - 11.1 Mb]
Scripture: James 4: 11-17
July 2 - Carey Terry
Discerning the Mirror [MP4 YouTube Video]
Discerning the Mirror [MP3 Audio File - 9.1 Mb]
Scripture: James 4: 1-10
June 25 - Brent Newton
Man's Wisdom vs. God's Wisdom [MP4 YouTube Video]
Man's Wisdom vs. God's Wisdom [MP3 Audio File - 8.5 Mb]
Scripture: James 3: 13-18
June 18 - Brent Newton
The Toungue: A Serious Problem [MP4 YouTube Video]
The Toungue: A Serious Problem [MP3 Audio File - 9.6 Mb]
Scripture: James 3: 1-12
June 11 - Carey Terry
Who is God's Friend? [MP4 YouTube Video]
Who is God's Friend? [MP3 Audio File - 8.8 Mb]
Scripture: James 2: 14-26
June 4 - Carey Terry
Fulfilling the Royal Law [MP4 YouTube Video]
Fulfilling the Royal Law [MP3 Audio File - 8.5 Mb]
Scripture: James 2: 1-13
May 28 - Brent Newton
How to Be Blessed [MP4 YouTube Video]
How to Be Blessed [MP3 Audio File - 10.0 Mb]
Scripture: James 1: 19-27
May 21 - Carey Terry
The Ultimate Tempations [MP4 YouTube Video]
The Ultimate Tempations! [MP3 Audio File - 8.9 Mb]
Scripture: James 1: 12-18
May 14 - Carey Terry
But I'm Not Perfect...Yet! [MP4 YouTube Video]
But I'm Not Perfect...Yet! [MP3 Audio File - 5.5 Mb]
Scripture: James 1: 5-11
May 7 - Carey Terry
Power From Above [MP4 YouTube Video]
Power From Above [MP3 Audio File - 5.2 Mb]
Scripture: James 1: 1-4
April 30 - Brent Newton
The Strategy of Satan - The Schemer [MP4 YouTube Video]
The Strategy of Satan - The Schemer [MP3 Audio File - 12.7 Mb]
Scripture: Ephesians 6: 11-12
April 23 - Brent Newton
The Strategy of Satan - The Deceiver [MP4 YouTube Video]
The Strategy of Satan - The Deceiver [MP3 Audio File - 9.0 Mb]
Scripture: Ephesians 6: 11-12
April 16 - Carey Terry
You're Invited [MP4 YouTube Video]
You're Invited [MP3 Audio File - 9.9 Mb]
Scripture: Revelation 19:5-10
April 9 - Brent Newton
What is Spiritual Joy? [MP4 YouTube Video]
What is Spiritual Joy? [MP3 Audio File - 9.4 Mb]
Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23
April 2 - Carey Terry
Infused Scripture [MP3 Audio File - 14.5 Mb]
Scripture: Matthew 7: 24-27
March 26 - Brent Newton
Four Powerful Words [MP4 YouTube Video]
Four Powerful Words [MP3 Audio File - 8.0 Mb}
Scripture: I Corinthians 16: 5-9
March 19 - Carey Terry
Recognizing God's Authority (Part 2) [MP4 YouTube Video]
Recognizing God's Authority (Part 2) [MP3 Audio File - 8.7 Mb}
Scripture: Matthew 28: 17-20
March 12 - Carey Terry
Recognizing God's Authority (Part 1) [MP4 YouTube Video]
Recognizing God's Authority (Part 1) [MP3 Audio File - 9.0 Mb}
Scripture: Romans 4: 19-22
March 5 - Carey Terry and Brent Newton
Deacon Installation [MP3 Audio File - 8.5 Mb}
Deacon Installation [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16: 15-17
February 26 - Brent Newton
Humble Yourself Under God [MP3 Audio File - 9.8 Mb}
Humble Yourself Under God [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Peter 5: 6-11
February 19 - Carey Terry
Shepherds: the Willing and Eager Example [MP3 Audio File - Mb] 13.8 Mb
Shepherds: the Willing and Eager Example [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Peter 5: 1-5
February 12 - Carey Terry
Sufferings: A Pass/Fail Testing [MP3 Audio File - Mb] 14.6 Mb
Sufferings: A Pass/Fail Testing [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Peter 4: 12-19
February 5 - Brent Newton
That God May Be Glorified [MP3 Audio File - Mb}
That God May Be Glorified [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Peter 4: 7-11
January 29 - Brent Newton
The Effect of Jesus on Our Lives [MP3 Audio File] 13.6 Mb
The Effect of Jesus on Our Lives [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Peter 4: 1-6
January 22 - Carey Terry
The Mindset to Endure Suffering [MP3 Audio File] 8.9 Mb
The Mindset to Endure Suffering [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Peter 3: 13-22
January 15 - Brent Newton
What Does Righteousness Involve? [MP3 Audio File] 8.4 Mb
What Does Righteousness Involve? [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Peter 3: 8-12
January 8 - Brent Newton
Salvation in Marriage [MP3 Audio File] 10.8 Mb
Salvation in Marriage [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Peter 3: 1-7January 1 - Carey Terry
What is Our Calling? [MP3 Audio File] 8.1 Mb
What is Our Calling? [MP4 YouTube Video]
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:21-25