Book of James

Sermons from James with the following theme:  Godly Principles / Learning to live the Spiritual Mindset.

July 30 - Carey Terry
    James: One Concluding Thought [MP4 YouTube Video]
    James: One Concluding Thought [MP3 Audio File - 9.9 Mb]
    Scripture: James 5: 19-20

July 23 - Brent Newton
    Abundant Help [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Abundant Help [MP3 Audio File - 9.1 Mb]
    Scripture: James 5: 13-18

July 16 - Brent Newton
    A True Faith in the Lord [MP4 YouTube Video]
    A True Faith in the Lord [MP3 Audio File - 10.7 Mb]
    Scripture: James 5: 1-12

July 9 - Carey Terry
    Able to Save and to Destroy [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Able to Save and to Destroy [MP3 Audio File - 11.1 Mb]
    Scripture: James 4: 11-17

July 2 - Carey Terry
    Discerning the Mirror [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Discerning the Mirror [MP3 Audio File - 9.1 Mb]
    Scripture: James 4: 1-10

June 25 - Brent Newton
    Man's Wisdom vs. God's Wisdom [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Man's Wisdom vs. God's Wisdom [MP3 Audio File - 8.5 Mb]
    Scripture: James 3: 13-18

June 18 - Brent Newton
    The Toungue: A Serious Problem [MP4 YouTube Video]
    The Toungue: A Serious Problem [MP3 Audio File - 9.6 Mb]
    Scripture: James 3: 1-12

June 11 - Carey Terry
    Who is God's Friend? [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Who is God's Friend? [MP3 Audio File - 8.8 Mb]
    Scripture: James 2: 14-26

June 4 - Carey Terry
    Fulfilling the Royal Law [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Fulfilling the Royal Law [MP3 Audio File - 8.5 Mb]
    Scripture: James 2: 1-13

May 28 - Brent Newton
    How to Be Blessed [MP4 YouTube Video]
    How to Be Blessed [MP3 Audio File - 10.0 Mb]
    Scripture: James 1: 19-27

May 21 - Carey Terry
    The Ultimate Tempations [MP4 YouTube Video]
    The Ultimate Tempations! [MP3 Audio File - 8.9 Mb]
    Scripture: James 1: 12-18

May 14 - Carey Terry
    But I'm Not Perfect...Yet! [MP4 YouTube Video]
    But I'm Not Perfect...Yet! [MP3 Audio File - 5.5 Mb]
    Scripture: James 1: 5-11

May 7 - Carey Terry
    Power From Above [MP4 YouTube Video]
    Power From Above [MP3 Audio File - 5.2 Mb]
    Scripture: James 1: 1-4

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