Physical Properties Committee
The purpose of the Physical Properties Committee is to ensure that the building and grounds are properly maintained so that we have a clean, safe and comfortable place to worship until the Lord returns.
This committee coordinates several activities throughout the year. The main activities include:
- Building cleaning
- Building maintenance
- Flower bed maintenance
- Snow removal
- Yard work
Contact Information:
As a need is identified please contact:
- David Polly (building cleaning) 375-1144
- Carl and Diane Olson (flower beds) 636-8199
- Leroy Walling, Deacon (exterior) 896-4065
- Pat Wankum, Deacon
- Matt Backstrom, Deacon
- Matt Beanland, Deacon
- Matt Hankins, Elder
- Mike Smith, Deacon
Committee Members:
- Leroy Walling, Deacon, Chair
- Matt Backstrom, Deacon
- Matt Beanland, Deacon
- Mike Smith, Deacon
- Larry Kopfer, Elder
- Pat Bax
- Greg Rehagen
- Carl and DIane Olson
- Henry Perry
- Ian Steck
- Anthony Steck
- Mike Rackers
- Others as needed