Seniors Committee


The Seniors Committee coordinates activities and meets the needs of the Senior members at Fairgrounds Road.


The committee provides support in the following areas:

  1. Annual Seniors dinner
  2. Periodic Senior events and socials
  3. Individual needs support as possible

Contact Information:

As a need is identified please contact:

  1. Larry Murphy 690-2295
  2. Brian Ridenhour
  3. Gary Colvin

Committee Members

  1. Larry Murphy, Deacon, Chair
  2. Brian Ridenhour, Deacon
  3. Ray Wyrick, Deacon
  4. Larry Kopfer, Elder
  5. Charles Bowman
  6. Sue Bowman
  7. Darlene Kopfer
  8. Carl Olson
  9. Diane Olson
  10. Frances Thompson